Welcome to Willyman's Double Dragon II Shrine!
Hello and welcome to a shrine in honor of quite possibly the greatest fighting game of all time, in the greatest fighting series of all time, on the greatest videogame machine of all time! Here I will guide you through the ins and outs of Double Dragon II on the Nintendo Entertainment System, and index information that may be useful to you while you battle your way through the game. I think my goal with this page is not only to keep you steadily informed, but to maybe sway your opinion and win a place for DD2 in the beat-em-up genre section of your heart :D Enjoy the site.
Update for 10/10/01
Hello from my new home! That's right, the shrine has moved to Classicgaming.com thanks to generosity of the folks there and more importantly, that of Mike from the Double Dragon Dojo, who I'm hosted under. He's done so much for me, I can't thank him enough. As far as updates, I've added Mission 5 to the walkthrough (I'm getting there!) and all of the CD music that I've talked about since I opened this site are now available through the Dojo! Have, fun and expect more frequent updates.