Double Dragon Neon

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Dan Druff
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Double Dragon Neon

Post by Dan Druff » ... r-psn-xbla

Another Double Dragon game is coming to the XBOX Live Arcade and also PlayStation Network. WayForward Technologies and Majesco are coming together to release this game in the summer. Because it's not on iPhone, it's already better than that game. I also can't help but notice the new Linda. She's even promoted to the opening scene where Marion is kidnapped.
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Re: Double Dragon Neon

Post by Jonny2x4 »

The only WayForward game I've ever played was Contra 4 and I thought it was pretty entertaining, if a bit overrated. I'm not digging the pseudo-retro character designs though. Seems too corny for Double Dragon (give me the Hokuto no Ken/Warriors-inspired character designs from the arcade and NES games any day). At least they're admitting they're doing their own things instead of pretending it's a remake or something.
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Re: Double Dragon Neon

Post by DojoMaster »

It sure is weird how Double Dragon is getting all these remakes recently. Personally, I want a new game more in the style of Double Dragon Advance or Super Double Dragon. Like a new story or a just some new ideas/levels like Double Dragon III did (I really do love the country-themed levels for the Sacred Stones. Always struck a chord with me as a kid).

In related news, our hits have pretty much doubled since Double Dragon Neon was announced. I guess some people saw the info on other websites then decided to look up the series.
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Re: Double Dragon Neon

Post by DinLee »

This is good :D Double Dragon deserves to be put back on the map!
possible Battletoad dlc? heh if microisht is generous enough we might get it as xbl exclusive, psn is a slim chance in hell either way though.
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Re: Double Dragon Neon

Post by Jonny2x4 »

Honestly, the game doesn't look that hot to me. The fact that they're citing Castle Crashers as the "gold standard" of modern brawlers of all things doesn't bode well for me considering Castle Crashers isn't even that great of a game. I'm guessing all those old belt-scrollers (not just arcade releases like Punisher, Denji Makai and Undercover Cops, but even console titles like Double Dragon Advance and Streets of Rage 3) don't count because they're not available on XBLA or PSN.

As for the art style, I'm sorry but it just looks way too cheesy for me. I never found much humor in the whole "remember how stupid the 80s looked" brand of nostalgia and the in-game graphics look way too cheap for me (it seems odd considering WayForward usually commission talented pixel artists to work on their projects).

At the very least I wish they would've stuck to using Technos' later designs for Billy and Jimmy that they've been using in-game since Super Double Dragon (and much earlier than that in official illustrations), where they had the "switched" hair colors and different hair styles, instead of making them palette swapped twins like in the arcade game (the Neo-Geo game did this too). It's like trying to make Luigi short and fat again after giving him a different design from Mario.
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Re: Double Dragon Neon

Post by RenegadeDragon »

I agree with johnny2x4, this double dragon neon looks a little bit too cheesy the sprites are too big and it doesnt really give me a double dragon feel more like a rip off wanna be. Obviously we havent seen the game in action but i can tell from the screenshots that something looks wrong with it. Which is sad because wayforward usually does good work at least with Contra 4 and Batman Brave and the Bold. Truthfully i would like to see Brizo Interactive port the iphone version with more nes type stages. The nes did really good with making the later levels in the double dragon games difficult with timed jumps over pits or the falling rocks from the ceiling and the giant bolder coming after you in the cave levels. Another thing i question is whats up with every lil game company having the double dragon license? if i recall i remember reading a post on this forum where one of the developers from brizo was giving the creator of double dragon forever a hard time just for making a fan made game wouldnt this be the same case?
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Re: Double Dragon Neon

Post by DojoMaster »

No it wouldn't be the same because undoubtedly all of these official DD games coming out have obtained proper licensing from Million. Fan games don't do this.

Also, this isn't exactly unusual. Double Dragon was licensed out to all sorts of developers/publishers in the '80s/'90s. We're just experiencing a repeat on a much smaller scale.
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Re: Double Dragon Neon

Post by mechapop »

Ugh, no thanks.

I'm seriously scratching my head as to why these people think ugly ass 3d graphics circa over a decade ago somehow is the way to go?

WHY NOT go with BlazBlue styled HD 2d? Or go with Capcom vs SNK 2 graphics? Maybe go off the Japanese 1988 illustrations? I have the SAME reaction to Final Fight Saturn and
Final Fight Streetwise: yawn. (Which sucks as Im also a HUGE Final Fight fan, but last thing they released was just a hd port of the arcade game...why cant they do proper sequels?)

I'm curious why the 1987 and 1988 style was never used again other than fan games.

Oh and that DD2 remake, dear lord that looks even worse. It's like when DD "V" came out in 1994, or that horrific 1994 movie. I felt nothing towards it, and I've been a huge DD fan since the day it came to arcades.

And wait...WAYFORWARD? The makers of the amazing and authentic Contra 4? Um, why not use similar graphics? Updated SDD 1992 graphics, just not as slow(Im a big SDD fan, but dear goodness that game is meandering and tedious)

Also friggin' tired of 'remakes/reboots'. I wanna see a nice sprite 2d or 2.5d Final Fight 4, Strider 3, and a REAL Double Dragon 5.

One of my fave arcade games is NARC, and to say I was disappointed with how lame the "remake" was is an understatement. These "remake" DD xbox live 3d graphics dont look too different than the crappy NARC xbox graphics. At least Ninja Warriors got a nice sequel in 1994, and we got the beautiful Strider 2 over a decade ago. And I think a Mercs 2 came out a few years ago as well.
Maybe it's best we don't get a new Bad Dudes, or another crap Rampage remake
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Re: Double Dragon Neon

Post by DinLee »

pfft common sense, actual sequels and beautiful 2d graphics? what is this, the 90s?! pfft ;)
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Re: Double Dragon Neon

Post by Eddie MountainGoat »

What I don’t get is, HD 2D graphics are being used in brawlers, just on the wrong platforms! Dan Druff mentioned Fatal Fight on these forums [ viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4859 ], not long ago.

So why couldn’t we have that sorta stuff, on the larger consoles?

That aside, I might get something thrown at me for saying this, but I kinda like the character designs, for DD Neon. Seeing as I shared my thoughts on the Neo-Geo DD designs, I figured I’d do it again, here:

She seems to be an amalgamation of various previous DD villainesses.

The primary inspiration seems to be Wander of the Dragons Linda (who seemed partially inspired by Poison, what with her hat and pink hair) - you can see her at the beginning of the video, at ... d-to-xbla/.

In a positive move, DD Neon has reincorporated the colour purple, into Linda’s wardrobe (how could they omit that?).

But the arm-stockings definitely resemble those worn by Sonia, in Rage of the Dragons. And her costume has obvious similarities, to DDV Dominique (although she herself was probably an attempt to translate Linda into the DD cartoon universe).

Williams is quite well translated, from his NES DD1 appearance. No complaints, there.

Roper seems to be a tribute to Jim Kelly. He looks a lot like Mr Jones, from RoTD, who was himself likely a tribute to Mr Kelly. The thing is, Kelly didn't play Roper, in Enter the Dragon. He was Williams!
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