Double Dragon Zeebo!

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Double Dragon Zeebo!

Post by Rockman »

Yes I know there is already a topic for this, but I figured I would make a brand new one so that I can tell people that I've actually got my hands on a zeebo and this game! I had to go through quite a bit to get my hands on it (using brazillian version of Ebay and having more then a few conversations via Google Translate, not to mention the freight charges >=( .) BUT, I just wanted to let you guys know that I got the game!

So if there's anything you guys want in terms of video requests or any questions just let me know and I'll be happy to put some stuff up! Also, no offense to the Brazillians that have put videos up, but we are kind of more adept (been playing the DD series and especially Advance, which this is based off, a LOT) so you can ask other things in terms of which juggles from Advance work in this game, etc.

Just got it today! Still at work and I'm gonna be home later tonight so if you guys have anything to ask for just let me know and I'll be happy to help!

-Rockman Out-
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Re: Double Dragon Zeebo!

Post by DojoMaster »

Great to hear. I take it you're American. Am I correct on that? You should post some screenshots of the game playing on your TV.
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Re: Double Dragon Zeebo!

Post by mechapop »

Rockman wrote:Yes I know there is already a topic for this, but I figured I would make a brand new one so that I can tell people that I've actually got my hands on a zeebo and this game! I had to go through quite a bit to get my hands on it (using brazillian version of Ebay and having more then a few conversations via Google Translate, not to mention the freight charges >=( .) BUT, I just wanted to let you guys know that I got the game!

So if there's anything you guys want in terms of video requests or any questions just let me know and I'll be happy to put some stuff up! Also, no offense to the Brazillians that have put videos up, but we are kind of more adept (been playing the DD series and especially Advance, which this is based off, a LOT) so you can ask other things in terms of which juggles from Advance work in this game, etc.

Just got it today! Still at work and I'm gonna be home later tonight so if you guys have anything to ask for just let me know and I'll be happy to help!

Very cool! At first I was a little disappointed Million/Atlus changed the graphics of the main characters to a new style with DDAdvance; but from the footage I've seen of DD Zeebo...this looks seriously cool.
It's a shame this didn't get a ds port or something. Also can't wait to hear a full review of it! The idea of being able to play as Willy or Abobo is way cool. Also that anime winged girl mini-boss looks intriguing.
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Re: Double Dragon Zeebo!

Post by Rockman »

DojoMaster wrote:Great to hear. I take it you're American. Am I correct on that? You should post some screenshots of the game playing on your TV.

lol yeah I am American and I'll do you one better then screenshots... A video!!!

Just a quick video showing the zeebo itself, the system loading and some play through of the first stage. I also talk a bit about the juggling mechanics and a really cool trick you can do with the taekwondo kicks (yet I wasn't able to pull it off in the video lol).

Also I meant to show/talk about it in the video but I forgot to, but you need a composite to vga converter since the zeebo itself outputs in PAL-M (which is close to NTSC so if you play it without a converter the screen will be fine, but it'll be in black and white) alternatively you could get a pal to ntsc converter if you don't have a tv that has vga input and you don't want to play it on your computer monitor.

Anyways enjoy, LOTS more vids to come soon! Again, anything you guys need or want just let me know!

-Rockman Out-
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Re: Double Dragon Zeebo!

Post by Eddie MountainGoat »

Yay for aromoudgimurb, I just love spammers.

That aside, I've always been into the plot and characters of Double Dragon, so could you shed any light on the new stuff? What are the new characters real names, etc?
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Re: Double Dragon Zeebo!

Post by Rockman »

Well unfortunately there is NO place to see any of the new characters names! Since the game's are download only they dont come with manuals and the small "how to play" that they have in the game just explains the games mechanics (and even then they're in Portuguese lol) . So no luck there...

I mean the regulars are here: Williams, Roper, Abobo, Linda, Burnov and of course Willy but there are 3 all new bosses. They've been seen in some of the videos on youtube that show the extra character mode. New characters include: Fat Duck King, Angel Sword Girl, and my personal favorite: Big Ass Demon Mask Guy with a Club. lol

Seriously though, no cutscenes = no chance to find out anything about the new characters =(

This game sooo needed a DS port to be polished up so that everyone could play!
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Re: Double Dragon Zeebo!

Post by mechapop »

Rockman wrote:Well unfortunately there is NO place to see any of the new characters names! Since the game's are download only they dont come with manuals and the small "how to play" that they have in the game just explains the games mechanics (and even then they're in Portuguese lol) . So no luck there...

I mean the regulars are here: Williams, Roper, Abobo, Linda, Burnov and of course Willy but there are 3 all new bosses. They've been seen in some of the videos on youtube that show the extra character mode. New characters include: Fat Duck King, Angel Sword Girl, and my personal favorite: Big Ass Demon Mask Guy with a Club. lol

Seriously though, no cutscenes = no chance to find out anything about the new characters =(

This game sooo needed a DS port to be polished up so that everyone could play!

Holy hell this looks crazy awesome. First off, no need for having to do an a/v cable port...your camera with the flat screen looks great as it is. The game system looks cute enoughm tho the controllers look a bit cheap. But my oh my does this game looks like it plays sweet. The juggle system itself looks glorious.

They need to seriously take the code for this, just tweak it up a little bit and release it as "Double Dragon 5" for the ds. I had only seen a few screens so far, and that brief youtube clip...but seeing this in action, obviously being played by both a big DD fan and a seasoned Street Fighter/SNK/vs fighter fan is very cool.

I wonder if there had been any internal talk over at Million about porting this to something other than the Zeebo. I mean, even as a ds or wii download, it would work.
The player selection screen alone makes me giddy.

I'm wondering what criticisms you might have?
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Re: Double Dragon Zeebo!

Post by Rockman »

To be honest, at the moment, most of my complaints stem from things that you were able to do in Double Dragon advance that you can't do here. But mostly it comes from moves or combos/juggles working a certain way and not from the actual programming being bad so I don't really think they're too valid. It's just a case of the game playing differently then the last one and as everyone who's played the NES ones know, that's not something new lol.

The only other complaints I have are the fact that its too short =( and the stages themselves aren't very challenging. What I mean is, well, you know how even from the old arcade DD there was always a platforming element to some of the stages? And then when it hit NES it got taken even further? Well there are no pits or holes here to jump over or to toss your opponents into (well a very small one on Mission 2, but you don't have to jump it). Some people thought that they might've been cheap because it was easy to just lose a life but I thought not only did it add to the challenge, but at this point they're pretty much a DD staple! But in this game they focused solely on the combat system and decided to have it speak for itself. It's an amazing combat system but I really miss my pits. Especially considering that you can do the "long jump" by running and jumping, it could have set up some really good trap sections!

Besides that the only other criticism I have is the crappy 2nd controller you guys saw me point to in the video... me and my friend cant really play 2-player because the control is THAT bad >=( . I've tried to use my various usb controller converters for my ps2 controllers on it but the buttons don't map correctly.. it hurts because you can move kick and jump and my god does it feel smooth just doing those things... Im going to see if there is a usb controller alternative I can use, if not I'll have to go back to using that google translate and see if I can order another Z-pad from some brazillian site somewhere lol.

Too bad that would take about another month to get here...
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Re: Double Dragon Zeebo!

Post by mechapop »

Rockman wrote:To be honest, at the moment, most of my complaints stem from things that you were able to do in Double Dragon advance that you can't do here. But mostly it comes from moves or combos/juggles working a certain way and not from the actual programming being bad so I don't really think they're too valid. It's just a case of the game playing differently then the last one and as everyone who's played the NES ones know, that's not something new lol.

The only other complaints I have are the fact that its too short =( and the stages themselves aren't very challenging. What I mean is, well, you know how even from the old arcade DD there was always a platforming element to some of the stages? And then when it hit NES it got taken even further? Well there are no pits or holes here to jump over or to toss your opponents into (well a very small one on Mission 2, but you don't have to jump it). Some people thought that they might've been cheap because it was easy to just lose a life but I thought not only did it add to the challenge, but at this point they're pretty much a DD staple! But in this game they focused solely on the combat system and decided to have it speak for itself. It's an amazing combat system but I really miss my pits. Especially considering that you can do the "long jump" by running and jumping, it could have set up some really good trap sections!

Besides that the only other criticism I have is the crappy 2nd controller you guys saw me point to in the video... me and my friend cant really play 2-player because the control is THAT bad >=( . I've tried to use my various usb controller converters for my ps2 controllers on it but the buttons don't map correctly.. it hurts because you can move kick and jump and my god does it feel smooth just doing those things... Im going to see if there is a usb controller alternative I can use, if not I'll have to go back to using that google translate and see if I can order another Z-pad from some brazillian site somewhere lol.

Too bad that would take about another month to get here...

I counted 20 "?" square slots, very impressive. I didn't even know there was 20 characters in the whole game. Is there a list of what characters are confirmed to be in it from past games?
Aww, I can definitely see your it in a way like the fan games or streets of rage, where you simply go forward and there's no physical barriers? That's what I LOVED about Ninja Gaiden arcade,
in that you had to flip, climb, backflip, balance, and jump at times. And like you said, with DD1 you had to climb, jump, time, etc. Sounds like this is more or less obstacle less?
That sucks you can't play with a friend given the crappy controller. I'd definitely love to see a video of that. As best you can tell, what are the other selectable features? Was curious if there was a DD1 NES like Vs. mode or a Final Fight CD like time trial mode?

I've never quite seen juggling in a beat-em-up like that, and the style looks pretty fluid. You said it was pretty quick though? Was wondering how many levels there are. That anime female girl looks like she'd be bad ass to use as a selectable character. When a lot of the other games seem ports of other games on the Zeebo(like RE4), it's a shame DD was exclusive to this.
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Re: Double Dragon Zeebo!

Post by Rockman »

I counted 20 "?" square slots, very impressive. I didn't even know there was 20 characters in the whole game. Is there a list of what characters are confirmed to be in it from past games?
Aww, I can definitely see your it in a way like the fan games or streets of rage, where you simply go forward and there's no physical barriers? That's what I LOVED about Ninja Gaiden arcade,
in that you had to flip, climb, backflip, balance, and jump at times. And like you said, with DD1 you had to climb, jump, time, etc. Sounds like this is more or less obstacle less?
That sucks you can't play with a friend given the crappy controller. I'd definitely love to see a video of that. As best you can tell, what are the other selectable features? Was curious if there was a DD1 NES like Vs. mode or a Final Fight CD like time trial mode?

I've never quite seen juggling in a beat-em-up like that, and the style looks pretty fluid. You said it was pretty quick though? Was wondering how many levels there are. That anime female girl looks like she'd be bad ass to use as a selectable character. When a lot of the other games seem ports of other games on the Zeebo(like RE4), it's a shame DD was exclusive to this.

Extra characters-

I think about 11 characters is more realistic lol there are quite a few palette swaps but I do think they may have different abilities (i.e. some have different attacks then others, some take more life, some have better defense, etc.) but still is pretty impressive and its fun when you really are trying to beat the game with one of the Agent-like characters and realize that just because they have that auto 8-hit combo it's actually harder to win with them then the Lee twins!


The length on 2nd playthrough (actually playing through on Hard with only 3 credits), I think the game is actually the perfect length. It is SOOO much fun just trying to make it through to the end on hard with only those 3 credits as, for the first time in a long time, you have to use EVERYTHING to your advantage. Im talking enemy placement, your position, all of your attacks (of which there are many) and every weapon you can get your hands on. Back when we me and my friend were playing DD:Advance really hardcore we could beat the expert level with only 3 men and no credits, I mean it was no easy feat but we could do it without using any weapons and none of the "cheap" water deaths.. this game makes you use EVERYTHING and its awesome!

Combat System-

Also you said you'd never seen juggling like that, you should check out DD:Advance, it has a lot of the same juggles and even 2 extra moves that were removed in this version. The difference between this an advance though is more like a fighting games differences from one iteration to the next, and what I mean by that is, the moves in here and Advance are pretty much the same but ALL of the properties are different and so there's a whole new game for you to learn and get used to. For example the hardest juggle in advance is the Kick->Hyper uppercut-> headbutt -> Hyper knee. Big damage to be sure but you have to position yourself so you get kind of a "meaty" hit on the kick and then you do the rest. BUT in DD:Zeebo the biggest juggle is 2xPunch-> Taekwondo kicks -> Headbutt -> Hyper Knee! Because the tae kwon do kicks in Zeebo give you a much bigger step in on the last kick you are closer to the opponent while theyre in the air and can do more stuff!

But enough of me geeking out on the combat system lol. To answer your other questions, there are only 3 modes which are the 1p story, 2p story and the Extra Story which is where you can play with the enemy characters.


The stages are very much just straight forward with the most interesting stage being stage 3 which is a broken down highway where the levels of the stage are different since it's broken in pieces so you can use the difference in level to your advantage. Stage 1 is the standard DD1 Slums stage and Stage 2 is almost identical to DD:Advance stage 2 except instead of you going down in the elevator to fight Burnov, he comes to you. Stage 3 is the aforementioned broken down highway and Stages 4 and 5 are the most boring with stage 4 being a long hallway in an abandoned building and stage 4 being a dojo with much the same design as stage 4.. just move forward. Though on stage 5 you meet the cool ninja characters. Not quite Ranzou's pupils from DD3 as they dont have swords and arent as mobile, but they DO teleport and have shuriken, so be careful! And finally stage 6 is the good ol' Black warriors hideout from the arcade DD1 complete with moving wall and guards with spears that take almost all your life in one poke!

Oh and I ordered another Z-pad (the good controller) from a guy in Brazil.. hopefully it'll come a lot quicker then the system did lol. That way I can put up videos of me and my friend and show you some of the cool tag team combos that I already have in my head for this game >=) .

P.S. I'm thinking of doing a move and combo video/tutorial for the game. Just a heads up for those who are interested!
Last edited by Rockman on Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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