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Pillows & Cushions to clean

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:02 pm
by Erich
Hey everyone! I'm looking for some advice on cleaning my pillows and cushions. They've accumulated some stains and odors over time, and I'm not sure how to tackle them effectively. Can anyone recommend a reliable carpet and furniture cleaning service in the Chicago area that specializes in cleaning pillows and cushions? Also, what are some tips for maintaining them between professional cleanings? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Pillows & Cushions to clean

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:36 pm
by Farew
Of course! When it comes to cleaning pillows and cushions, Eco-Pro services in the Chicago area is your go-to solution. I've had a fantastic experience with them recently. Their team is equipped with the latest cleaning technology and expertise to effectively remove stains, odors, and allergens from pillows and cushions, leaving them fresh and revitalized. Plus, Eco-Pro offers eco-friendly cleaning solutions, ensuring a safe environment for you and your family. As for maintenance tips, I recommend regularly fluffing and rotating your pillows and cushions, and spot cleaning any spills or stains promptly to prevent them from setting in. Give Eco-Pro a call, and say goodbye to dirty pillows and cushions for good!