Oneshota Series [王様はおねショタの夢を見る] and [おねショタACT] 狩人の夢守る旅

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Dan Druff
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Oneshota Series [王様はおねショタの夢を見る] and [おねショタACT] 狩人の夢守る旅

Post by Dan Druff »

Preview Video 1 and Preview Video 2

When the title translates into "King's Dream of Older Girls on Young Boy" you know you're asking for trouble. It's a perverted brawler where you play as a young boy who must maintain his purity so the king of the dream world can create the ultimate weapon to defeat the dream princess bent on world domination :twisted: . Since the dream princess cannot attack the boy directly, she basically places a bounty on the boy by invading the dreams of the women and girls in his town; she will reward anyone who takes his purity. Some want material goods, others want success in their careers, and one person wants a cure for her grandmother's illness; it's a classic brawler story. The demo can be found here, and it has two regular enemies plus one boss, but it's been updated to more closely resemble the final build where every enemy has a custom game over picture. If you have Windows 7, you can go into Control Panel, go to Clock, Language, and Region, go to Region and Language to open a popup, and then go to Administrative tab to change the Language for non-Unicode programs to Japanese. That also allows you to run any Japanese game on Windows 7 without having to rely on AppLocale. There is an English site which sells the game, but the game itself is still in Japanese.

I finished playing the full game; it's a game for people who like losing. Imagine Combatribes on one plane (no foreground or background movement) where all the enemies are female and perform naughty grapples. The player cannot walk past the enemies; he must use the roll maneuver to bypass them. There's no indicator to determine stage progression. The game could either progress after defeating three enemies or forty. There are thirty-four enemies and thirty-four game over screen (probably to show off the artwork of zzinzinz) if one of them defeats the player. The counter system is a little tricky to handle because timing can be a little strict. Sometimes the hit box is behind the player, so you can actually perform the counter with your back turned, but sometimes the counter fails if you're too close the enemy. The challenge is escaping from the enemy if you're caught because up to four enemies can pile onto the player where the first enemy perform the grapple while the other three restrain the player, which can be dangerous if you're low on health because it takes much longer to push off four people than one. There are seven stages and an edit mode to customize your stage and enemies; they're all available from the beginning. If you can overlook all the perverseness it's a very competent brawler. It was built on the 2D格闘ツクール2nd engine which powered a few Japanese fighters like Vanguard Princess.

After only a week, the developer already released three patches to fix random glitches that may occur. Like most brawlers, it does become a little repetitive, which is why the patch also shortens the length of some stages. The latest patch to fix more random glitches was in February 24, 2013.

There's now a real stage editor program for the Edit Mode. Rather than modifying the files yourself, you can now use this program to choose the parameters like choosing up to six enemy types, the stage, the number of enemies to defeat, and the number of enemies to simultaneously restrain the player.
All the stages are unlocked at the beginning.  Edit Mode is under the seventh episode.
All the stages are unlocked at the beginning. Edit Mode is under the seventh episode.
game_A_1.jpg (41.41 KiB) Viewed 19964 times
Move left or right, press up to shove, and press down to crouch.
Move left or right, press up to shove, and press down to crouch.
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This is what a stage looks like.
This is what a stage looks like.
game_A_4.jpg (40.87 KiB) Viewed 19964 times
Last edited by Dan Druff on Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:27 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Dan Druff
Purple Belt
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Re: おねショタACT「狩人の夢守る旅」 Ball Action Game

Post by Dan Druff »

Demo and Preview Video

It's a spin-off of the previous game which now features the main character's friend from the third episode in the previous game. It still features girls wanting to do naughty things to the player, which would be My Ideal Double Dragon Sequel. August 3, 2013 can't come soon enough; it's something to play before Dragon's Crown is released on both SONY PlayStation 3 and Vita. According to the developer's blog, six player upgrades are available in the main game, but seven are available in the edit mode because the one extra upgrade would mess up the main game, so it is confined to the edit mode. You also need Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 to run the edit mode, and the edit mode is not backwards-compatible with the previous game. Here is a playlist if you want to see some of the enemies in action. This game is apparently a worldwide phenomenon because a Spanish review also exists.

People are obviously reading the thread, but no one wants to participate in the discussion? The site was updated July 26, 2013 with more screenshots. The artist promises over ten unique enemies, but every enemy except the boss(es) will have two versions and three attacks. As of that update, we now know of seven regular enemies and one boss, but this might be the final boss with two forms. The previous game also had a boss with two forms: regular size and giant. Each form counted as a different enemy. If you look at the final screenshot, I don't know if she shrunk the player or if she grew into a giant.

As for the game itself, the controls are more complex than the previous game due to the change in protagonist. The first game had a boy who simply wanted to escape, so he only had a basic shove move. This game has a soccer player who can jump and slide, but the gimmick this time is his soccer ball which is always on the stage with him. While he can attack enemies directly with his slide kick, he can also attack enemies with the soccer ball by kicking it directly at them or bouncing it upwards to build the attack and send a more powerful projectile at them. He can either counterattack by himself or with the ball, and the system works the same way as the previous game where you attack just as the enemy's attack makes contact with the player. In the first game only the grapple can be countered, but in this game it doesn't matter what attack it is; any attack can be countered whether it is a grapple or a strike. There's also a counter system if the enemy does grab the player since the grapple is her only means of causing damage to the player. A vertical bar will appear on the left, and a red line goes up and down the bar. Pressing the Up key when the red line is in the yellow area of the vertical bar instantly frees the player from the hold regardless of the number of enemies, but the size of the yellow area varies depending on the enemy. Unlike the first game where the player only has one life per section of the episode, this game gives you three lives per section, and you always start each new section with all three lives, but your character becomes more tired as he loses lives. The problem so far is that there is no health indicator for the lives you currently have, so the best you can is do is simply avoid grapples because you don't know if the next one will kill you. Perhaps the next demo version can address that issue. It's fun to play around with the combat system in the demo, but it's too short with one regular enemy and one boss who each have one attack. The demo does include a beta of the full version of the one regular enemy where she has her complete move set but lacks colors and voice quips if you rename the EG00.player file to EG01.player in the folder.
The new counter system involves pressing the Up key when the red line enters the yellow area.
The new counter system involves pressing the Up key when the red line enters the yellow area.
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Pressing the Up key at the correct time instantly frees you from the enemy's grapple.
Pressing the Up key at the correct time instantly frees you from the enemy's grapple.
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As soon as you land from instant escape, press the Down key to unleash one more counterattack.
As soon as you land from instant escape, press the Down key to unleash one more counterattack.
game_11.jpg (82.24 KiB) Viewed 19203 times
Last edited by Dan Druff on Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:49 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Dan Druff
Purple Belt
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Re: [おねショタACT] 狩人の夢守る旅 Best Action Game Ever from excessm

Post by Dan Druff »


It's finally here! After two months of waiting, the spin-off which will now be known as Kariyume has finally come; I think the title translates into "Journey to Protect the Hunter's Dream." I explained most of the mechanics and content in the previous post, but I forgot to mention that the counter gauge decreased if more enemies pile onto the player. The creator did have some surprises in the retail build. There really are more than ten enemies to face, but the last boss does not have two forms. The last boss has one attack where she shrinks the player and suffocates him, allowing her to regain all her health. The grapple with the heart is the attack, but the one without the heart is the stun grapple. I now understand the stun grapples the enemies can perform. They don't drain the player's health, but they do restore the enemy's health if you don't escape. The game also has two difficulty levels: normal and hard. The difference in difficulty levels is the amount of health the enemies have and the size of the instant counter. Normal is less enemy health and bigger counter gauge, but hard is more enemy health and less counter gauge. It is much shorter than the previous game, but more focus has been placed on the enemies themselves. The creator understood that brawlers can be monotonous, so he had the bright idea of having enemies exclusive to their stages without having any of them overlap. For example, you will only fight the soccer girls on the soccer field, and they will not appear in the pool stage where the swimmers are. The main character is a much better fighter than the previous main character, but sometimes you can get away with spamming the down arrow since any attack can be countered. It's so much fun to fling that soccer ball around and try to keep it afloat. Bouncing the ball thrice powers it to the max. Letting the ball land on the ground loses a charge, and each bounce on the ground discharges. You can bounce the ball on the ground and in the air. I do miss the ability to run like the previous game. The main character's speed is tied to the number of hearts he has in stock. As he loses hearts, his health suffers to the point where he suffers from landing lag if he is on his last heart. The game is about ten dollars, so you can either buy this or Double Dragon Neon. Double Dragon Neon may last longer than Kariyume, but Kariyume has much more replay value.

If you really want to see the game in action, this video plays up to the the third boss. One episode contains two boss fights, so this person completed the first episode and proceeded to play the second episode but ended the video at the first boss in the second episode. That boss is unique because she can only be damaged by air attacks, and her only attack is an instant-kill which activates when the player is stunned by a strike attack. This next video is a continuation of the previous video. The player figured out how to defeat the boss, so you get to see the conclusion of this really short game. You also notice that you can switch player upgrades after certain stages. Finally, this video against the final boss demonstrates the fighting mechanics except the jump back kick and the counter with the ball.

There's already a patch to fix some glitches. The only glitch I noticed was that the portrait from the last boss stays on the screen which blocks the right side of the playing area. The solution is not to lose, but if she takes one heart away you could be stuck with that portrait interfering with the fight.

There is one more update in the same link as the patch. It adds two new enemy types to the Edit Mode: race queen enemy and racer boss. Unlike most enemies, their stun attack stays on indefinitely until the player frees himself. They also have grapples from behind, but they can only perform them if you set the maximum number of attacks to one since a grapple from behind would count as two people simultaneously grappling the player. The developer is planning one more game in the series, but there is still no word on it. In the meantime, free DLC is always good.
1 is the player, 2 is the soccer ball which is always present, 3 is the player's health in hearts, and 4 is the enemy.  Player's health suffers as he loses hearts.
1 is the player, 2 is the soccer ball which is always present, 3 is the player's health in hearts, and 4 is the enemy. Player's health suffers as he loses hearts.
game_2.jpg (54.23 KiB) Viewed 19203 times
Press the Space key to bounce the ball to power it up to three times.  You can also bounce the ball in midair.
Press the Space key to bounce the ball to power it up to three times. You can also bounce the ball in midair.
game_12.jpg (46.28 KiB) Viewed 19203 times
Press the Down key to head butt or kick the ball.  The attack is context-sensitive.
Press the Down key to head butt or kick the ball. The attack is context-sensitive.
game_13.jpg (39.81 KiB) Viewed 19203 times
Last edited by Dan Druff on Tue May 06, 2014 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dan Druff
Purple Belt
Posts: 32
Joined: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:55 pm

Re: Oneshota Series [王様はおねショタの夢を見る] and [おねショタACT] 狩人の夢守る旅

Post by Dan Druff »

People are obviously reading the thread, but no one wants to participate in the discussion?
I thought excessm forgot about this game since the last update was eight months ago. One of the office ladies from the previous game was brought back to antagonize this player character, and she was also given the custom image for each attack she used to defeat the player. Because she is a bonus enemy, she is confined to the edit mode. So much recycling was done to adapt her to the Kariyume game because it has more frames of animation, so she doesn't move as smoothly as the other characters. In the previous game, she had four attacks; Kariyume only allowed for three attacks plus a stun grapple which took no health but regained health for the enemy. What actually happened was she lost one attack but gained a stun grapple. The previous game also had different victory quotes which were randomized like a fighting game; Kariyume gave each enemy three before-victory and after-victory quotes because the player can lose thrice. excessm probably couldn't reach the original voice actress again to voice new quotes or didn't want to, so he had to use what he previously had to create before-victory quotes while using all of the office lady's after-victory quotes. Again, free DLC is always good. I hope this is a sign that the third game is still happening.
I can't let this happen.  I must fight back.
I can't let this happen. I must fight back.
001.jpg (37.82 KiB) Viewed 18084 times
I don't think I want to fight back.  What was the mission again?
I don't think I want to fight back. What was the mission again?
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WTF?!  Just take me already.
WTF?! Just take me already.
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Dan Druff
Purple Belt
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Re: Oneshota Series [王様はおねショタの夢を見る] and [おねショタACT] 狩人の夢守る旅

Post by Dan Druff »
excessm made a new game, but it's not part of the Oneshota series; instead it is RPG Maker featuring zzinzinz artwork. There is a demo in the link, but there really is no gameplay because every choice leads to the player losing. You're basically buying a CG collection with some voice clips to go with the images. I can only hope that the success of this "game" will persuade the artist to make a true sequel to Kariyume.

This image intrigues me, though. According to the developer's blog, he is experimenting with Beats of Rage and Clickteam Fusion 2.5 to make a brawler. With Beats of Rage, he wants to raise the resolution; with Clickteam Fusion, he has trouble making the enemies move. 2D Fighter Maker 2nd was fun, but the engine was limited to 640x480 resolution and only one plane of movement. I am really looking forward to this game; this could be done by the end of the year.
Sometimes losing is more fun than winning.
Dan Druff
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Re: Parade Buster

Post by Dan Druff »

Preview Video ... 76518.html

I wanted to post this earlier when the game originally released on October 1, 2016, but the forum wasn't working. The third game in the series is now a first-person on-rails action game, which is one heck of an accomplishment coming from RPG Maker. I don't know the story, but it's typical zzinzinz fare featuring a young male protagonist fighting off older females. In this game, the computer mouse controls a cursor on the screen. When an enemy appears on the screen, a timer will appear on the enemy. You can attack enemies as they appear, or you can wait for the timer to reach a certain point where you can counter, but you must click on the timer itself to unleash the counterattack. Letting the timer on the enemy run down will cause a physical attack which decreases player health or a stun attack which stops the player from attacking for a limited time. When a heart appears over the enemy, she will perform a grapple which must be countered to escape. Three dots will appear on the top of the screen which must be clicked to successfully escape the grapple. Failing to click the dots on time will lead to a big loss in health. Two more enemies can assist the enemy during a grapple which causes the dots to speed up. The space key will guard against the two attacks but not the grapple, but the guard is limited. Like most role-playing games, the player can enter towns and upgrade equipment like weapons and armor. Upgrading equipment is crucial for the later stages when the enemies deal more damage, and there is a pair of bosses which must be defeated simultaneously; buy one area-of-effect weapon which can hit multiple enemies.

Most of the enemies will appear during the story mode, but some are bonus enemies you only encounter on side quests. The game has been updated thrice since its release, and two of those updates added enemies which again only appear in side quests. Navigating through a Japanese RPG is quite difficult, but someone is attempting to translate Parade Buster into English which is open to anyone to pitch in.
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Black Belt
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Re: Oneshota Series [王様はおねショタの夢を見る] and [おねショタACT] 狩人の夢守る旅

Post by wildebeast »

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Re: Oneshota Series [王様はおねショタの夢を見る] and [おねショタACT] 狩人の夢守る旅

Post by wildebeast »

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Post by Davidsomma »

More than anything: Ogre Battle
If it wasnt for this series, I dont know that I ever would have given games like HeroClix a chance.
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